Monthly Archives October 2017

Why Canada needs progressive reforms in employment insurance

Andrew Jackson Special to The Globe and Mail 24 hours ago October 26, 2017 Andrew Jackson is adjunct research professor in the Institute of Political Economy at Carleton University, and senior policy adviser to the Broadbent Institute. Employment Insurance flies beneath the political radar much of the time, but remains an important and relevant part of the Canadian social safety net. Changes are needed to respond to new labour market realities, but the program should not, as some argue, be folded into a universal basic income. EI consists of regular unemployment benefits; special benefits such as maternity, parental and sick
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EI Roundtable

CUHC executive director Neil Cohen attended an EI roundtable discussion in Toronto October 20, 2017. Over thirty representatives from business, labour, post secondary institutions, community organizations and social policy think tanks attended the meeting to discuss EI reform. The event was organized by the Atkinson Foundation, Mowat Centre, and Broadbent Institute. Fixing Canada’s EI System is Critical for the Future of Work Canada’s employment insurance (EI) system is a major plank of the country’s social architecture. However, the system, now 75 years old, is failing to meet its original intent. EI was established to protect workers against income loss while
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CUHC Executive Director Appointed to Family Law Reform Advisory Committee

MANITOBA COMMITS TO SIGNIFICANT FAMILY LAW REFORM WITH A FOCUS ON WELLNESS FOR FAMILIES – – – Advisory Committee Chaired by Allan Fineblit, Expert in Dispute Resolution and Former Long-time CEO of Law Society of Manitoba: Minister The Manitoba government is committing to reform the current family law system in Manitoba in order to make it more accessible, and improve wellness and outcomes for families, Justice Minister Heather Stefanson announced today. “The time has come for Manitoba to put families first and make changes that improve the current system for family law,” said Stefanson.  “The system can often be adversarial
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